The final in-season update of the BABS database is posted now.
Read MoreIn search of a new report card
The following passage begins “Simulators,” the introduction to the 2012 Baseball Forecaster: “As fantasy owners, we take pride in our ability to assess baseball players and to project their performance. Our success in piloting our teams to titles and money finishes demonstrates our prowess at these skills. But it really doesn’t. Player evaluation and forecasting…
Read MoreThe Ethics of Tanking
In many leagues, free agents are awarded to teams in reverse order of the standings. This is intended to promote some measure of parity during the season and keep all teams engaged. The practice is common and helps a league’s bottom-dwellers stay competitive despite encountering bad luck, particularly if an owner has been hard-hit by…
Read MoreComing to terms with who BABS is
She’s my mistress, I know. Many of us have found great value in BABS, but we have also been trying to make her into someone else. We’re not satisfied with all that she provides us; we need her to give us more. It took me a few weeks in the Mediterranean to realize that maybe…
Read MoreThe Tactical Power of Doing Nothing
The following story is going to sound irrelevant, but bear with me… I recently joined a small band with some friends in my community. There are five of us: a lead guitarist, a rhythm guitarist, a bassist and a drummer. I play the keyboard. We are all in our 50s and 60s, none are professionals…
Read MoreForaging for Florida Fandom, Part 7
Epilogue The goal of my journey was an attempt to figure out why First Data Field in Port St. Lucie, FL was a bustling center of activity in March and a cavernous sinkhole in April. Was it just the downgrade from the majors to the minors? Was it the lack of good food and family…
Read MoreForaging for Florida Fandom, Part 6
Sunday, May 21 Clearwater Threshers at Lakeland Flying Tigers (Phillies at Tigers) The final stop on my tour was the opposite end of the home-and-home series from the previous night’s game. Driving up I-4, I made good time, arriving just 97 minutes after the first pitch. My goal was to catch the last three or…
Read MoreForaging for Florida Fandom, Part 5
Sunday, May 21 This was my most challenging travel day as I was going to try to catch two games, both with 1:00pm start times and 40 miles apart. I figured I could see the first few innings in Tampa, leave around the fourth inning, then catch the last few innings in Lakeland. Daytona Tortugas…
Read MoreForaging for Florida Fandom, Part 4
Saturday, May 20 Lakeland Flying Tigers at Clearwater Threshers (Tigers at Phillies) The 90-minute drive to Clearwater was mostly uneventful, though I always do enjoy the magnificent views crossing over Tampa Bay on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. As I turned onto the street that the ballpark was on, I was immediately redirected into an overflow…
Read MoreForaging for Florida Fandom, Part 3
Saturday, May 20 My two stops this day took me to Port Charlotte and Clearwater. These parks were 97 miles apart, but I benefited from a 3:05pm start time for the early game. I figured I could stay for most of that contest before heading north for the 6:15pm game in Clearwater. Jupiter Hammerheads at…
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